Horse Racing Selections – 15th August 2020


The weekends flat racing starts with Saturday cards at HQ, Newbury, Donny & Chepstow.

Looking at lumping priced trackers, Rotherwick is the stand out going to Chepstow for the (19.30). He’s dropped some way since that last Windsor win for us a couple of years back and on around 4’s.

We’ve just one selection today with a nice meeting at Ripon coming up tomorrow on Great St Wilfrid’s Day 🙂


Today’s member’s notes are below….

Have a good day and BOL with any of your betting selections.

Back around 10.00am in the morning.


For those on the £1k to £10k seasonal challenge its currently over a 40% win/place rate and our bank is £1121.38 with an ROI of over 5% and current stakes £14.02 EW


Anyone wishing to contact us directly, please use the email address……any FREE SERVICE MEMBERS looking to receive the latest premium service selections and join the next £1k to £10k quest.……just follow the UPGRADE link.


BOL (Best Of Luck!)

ABW Team

Today’s Selections

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