Horse Racing Selections – 5th July 2020


There’s a second day’s racing from Haydock with further meetings at Sandown and Donny.

Very frustrating with our selections yesterday as they both ran out unplaced and chose to ignore the claims of  ‘trackers’, Muntadab & Count Otto who ran up 1st & 2nd in the last at Epsom (SF £60.31) 🙁

I know most of you back those on next 3 runs as a matter or course but doubt I have any forecasters amongst you!

Back to today, it’s ‘blowing a hooley’ here so would imagine it’s likely to be much the same for Haydock & Donny this afternoon. Looking at current trackers, there’s three going to post for the (15.25) at Donny that’s now a 7 runner. Free Love, Our Little Pony & Seen The Lyte are all on wipes yer face prices and there’s little to split them, so we’ll wait for better opportunities


Today’s member’s notes are below….

Have a good day and BOL with any of your betting selections.

I’ll be back in the morning with a look at Thirsk & Ayr.


For those on the £1k to £10k seasonal challenge its currently a 40% win/place rate and our bank is £1551.92 with an ROI of over 68% with current stakes £19.40 EW


Anyone wishing to contact us directly, please use the email address or at feedback@……any FREE SERVICE MEMBERS looking to receive the latest premium service selections and join the next £1k to £10k quest.……just follow the UPGRADE link.


BOL (Best Of Luck!)

ABW Team

Today’s Selections

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